Health Services
Research has shown that students with an optimal level of wellness are more receptive to the learning process. Therefore, Duluth Public Schools health service staff strive to promote the health of students and promote a healthy school environment.
The primary goal of health services is to eliminate/minimize health related barriers to learning. To accomplish this, health service staff, as part of the school team, works to:
- Promote student and staff wellness.
- Provide skilled nursing.
- Protect students' well being.
- Enhance healthy behaviors.
- Encourage self-care.
- Assess and communicate student health concerns through referral to parents/guardians.
Health Assistants provide students with daily health services through medication administration, first aid for illness and injury, and skilled nursing procedures under the delegation of the Licensed School Nurse.
The Licensed School Nurse provides leadership of the daily health office operations, promotes health equity by connecting students and families to community health resources, and maintains continuity of care between home, medical provider, and school through medical and educational planning. The Licensed School Nurse also provides health assessment and planning throughout the Special Education process.
Students requiring emergency care plan(s) and/or medication(s) that need to be given during school hours will need one or more of the following forms completed. An emergency care plan created with and signed by your student’s provider will be accepted in place of the emergency plans listed here.
Prior to the beginning of each school year, emergency care plans and medication authorizations should be turned in to your child's school health office and reviewed with the Licensed School Nurse.
- Annual Health History
- Health History, Physical and Immunization Form
- Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
- Seizure Individual Health Plan
- Medication Administration Form
- 7th-12th grade ONLY- Over the Counter (OTC) Pain Medication Self Administration Form
- Diabetes Medical Management Plan
- Special Diet Statement
- Dietary Preference Request Form
- Immunizations
All students must comply with Minnesota state statute 121A.15 with regards to immunizations. Exclusion from school will occur if immunizations, medical exemption or objection requirements are not met.
District Immunization Requirements
Are Your Kids Ready?/When to get vaccines for the Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Health Immunization Record Form
Many students and parents are frequently concerned about when students should stay home or attend school. The following information is intended to help with this decision.
General practice:
- If a student has had a fever of 100 degrees or more, the student must stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever reducing medication.
- If a student has vomited or had diarrhea, the student must stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
- If a student has had any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with your family physician before sending the student to school.
- If a student is ill, please call the school daily to report the illness.
When a student is sick, parents often wonder whether or not to keep a child at home from school. If a child stays home and has the care they need when first sick, they will often get better faster. Staying home and resting will help the body fight the sickness.
Is My Child Well Enough To Go To School?
If your child becomes ill at school and needs to go home, the Health Services Staff will contact a parent/guardian. Children must call from the health office and not from their cell phones.
If staff are unable to reach parents and determine that the student must go home, emergency contacts will then be called. It's important for parents to keep emergency contacts updated and ensure that they are available during the day. Your child will not be allowed to leave school without contacting an adult.
In the event of an emergency, 911 may be called.
Anyone can get head lice. Head lice are most often transmitted through head to head contact. School transmission is rare. Some common symptoms of head lice include: itching and scratching of the scalp and neck, feeling that something is ‘crawling’ in the hair, sores from constant scratching, and seeing lice on the scalp or nits attached to the hair shaft. If your child has any of these symptoms, please check your child’s head for lice. Also, all household members and other close contacts of the person with lice should be checked.
Should your child be found to have live lice in their hair during the school day, a parent/guardian will be contacted by a health office staff member. The students may remain in school but prompt treatment is recommended.
Students may receive hearing and/or vision screening upon request from a teacher if the teacher suspects that there may be a hearing or vision concern that is affecting the student's ability to learn. If you do not wish for your child to receive vision and/or hearing screening, please inform your school health office. The screenings are not intended to replace professional examinations.
COVID-19 Information
Families, please share the following COVID information with your school:
If a student tests positive for COVID-19, the building health office should be notified by the family or staff member receiving the information immediately. All other COVID related concerns should be addressed with the building health office.
All positive COVID-19 cases will be reported to the Minnesota Department of Health per the Minnesota Rule 4605.7070 which requires any person in charge of any institution, school, child care facility, or camp to report cases of COVID-19 to MDH.
School Nurses
Congdon Park Elementary School:
Tabitha Landgreen, RN, LSN
218-336-8950 x-2526
Leah Petcoff, RN, LSN
218-336-8950 x-2238
Joan Wick, Health Assistant
218-336-8825 x-1845
Denfeld High School:
Dan Vaught, BA-RN, PHN, LSN
218-336-8830 x-2282
Beth Rakowsky, Health Assistant
218-336-8830 x-1935
East High School:
Tracey Holecek, BA-RN, PHN, LSN
218-336-8845 x-2262
Gerri Settergren, LPN, Health Asst
218-336-8845 x-2114
Homecroft Elementary School:
Anne Leino, RN, BSN, LSN
218-336-8865 x-3134
Lakewood Elementary School:
Anne Leino, RN, BSN, LSN
218-336-8870 x-3134
Tracy Okonek, LPN, Health Assistant
218-336-8870 x-2623
Laura MacArthur Elementary School:
Sarah Miller, RN, LSN
218-336-8900 x-1318
Amanda Johnson, Health Assistant
218-336-8900 x-3113
Lester Park Elementary School:
Lori Saari, RN, PHN, LSN
218-336-8875 x-2522
Holly Marshall, Health Assistant
218-336-8875 x-2654
Lincoln Park Middle School:
Natalie Potts, BSN-RN, PHN, LSN
218-336-8965 x-1123
Breanna Roe, Health Assistant
218-336-8880 x-2355
Lowell Elementary School:
Anne Leino, RN, BSN, LSN
218-336-8895 x-3134
Paula O'Leary, LPN, Health Assistant
218-336-8895 x-2956
Myers-Wilkins Elementary School:
Sarah Miller, RN, LSN
218-336-8860 x-1318
Sara Weller, Health Assistant
218-336-8860 x-2487
Ordean East Middle School:
Lori Saari, RN, PHN, LSN
218-336-8825 x-2522
Julie Hein, Health Assistant
218-336-8940 x 2242
Piedmont Elementary School:
Tabitha Landgreen, RN, LSN
218-336-8950 x-2526
Leah Petcoff, RN, LSN
218-336-8950 x-2238
Paul Viche, LPN, Health Assistant
218-336-8950 x-2753
Stowe Elementary School:
Natalie Potts, BSN-RN, LSN
218-336-8965 x-1123
Annette Fedler, LPN, Health Assistant
218-336-8965 x 3905
Head Start/Preschool:
Ira Teng, RN, BSN, PHN, LSN
218-336-8700 x-2423
Health Services Coordinator:
Crystal Olker, LSN
218-336-8700 x 3141